

我们感谢许多捐助者谁已经建立并继续维持奖学金和奖励网络彩票平台学生.  请联系Chris Gilliland, 进步主任, at 703-212-5181 if you have any questions regarding scholarships.


  • 阿曼德年代. 罗德里格斯纪念奖学金

    阿曼多S的目的. Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship is to honor Bishop Ireton alumnus 阿曼德年代. 罗德里格斯(1988年BI). Armando was an accomplished student and wrestler who tackled those pursuits with passion, 充满活力和感染力的微笑. 更重要的是, he was a man of great faith and a loving and devoted son, 哥哥, grandson and friend during his years at Bishop Ireton.

    Armando was a member of the National Honor Society and captain of the varsity wrestling team. 毕业后, he moved to Colorado for college and remained there. Following a successful 20-year telecommunications career, he became a middle school teacher and a youth wrestling and football coach. 他追随自己的激情,影响了成千上万的年轻人的生活,他很自豪地称之为家. Despite the time and energy he gave to his school students and athletes, he saved his best for his loving wife and amazing son. They were his greatest joy, and he was everything to them.

    This scholarship is provided through the generosity of Armando’s family, 以前的同学和队友, 和他的许多朋友认识到使阿曼多在生活中取得成功的品质——努力工作, 自我牺牲, and dedication; a deep love for, 以及对, family and friends; an awareness of, 以及对, who he was and where he came from; an unwavering faith – all done with a spirit of joy and a smile on his face.  

    The scholarship(s) will be awarded annually in the amount of $1,000 for one eligible student. It is open to incoming freshmen and current Ireton students.
  • 艾尔·史密斯神父奖学金

    艾尔史密斯神父奖学金的目的是为了纪念前艾尔顿主教的老师和主持人艾尔史密斯神父, OSFS. 1965年至1979年,他在艾尔顿主教学院教授生物学,并担任游泳和潜水队的主持人和教练. Most famously, he led and performed with the student music group the Bisons.

    The Father Al Scholarship recognizes and encourages participation in the BI Swim and Dive Team. The scholarship is need based and provides partial support for a Bishop Ireton student.

    Provided through the generosity of the BI Swim and Dive 校友 and friends, 这项奖学金延续了BI在游泳和跳水方面的卓越传统,并表彰了Al神父在担任教练和主持人期间所提供的忠诚服务.  才有资格获得这项奖学金, students must be current students at Bishop Ireton; they must have participated in the BI Swim and Dive program; they must have demonstrated financial need; they must have demonstrated merit, 努力, 体育精神和对社会的奉献精神.  艾尔史密斯神父奖学金由BI游泳和潜水教练与行政部门共同选择,用于BI学费. 没有申请流程 for this scholarship.
  • 弗拉卡索家庭奖学金

    Mark and Michele are the parents of three Bishop Ireton graduates, 亚历山德拉08年, 马特的13, 安娜16岁. After their youngest child graduated, the Fracasso's set up a scholarship fund called the 弗拉卡索家庭奖学金. 该奖学金基金是一项基于需求的奖学金,每年颁发给有资格的现任艾尔顿主教学生. It helps defray the cost of tuition and makes a Catholic education possible. 没有申请流程 for this scholarship.
  • 加伍德·惠利音乐奖学金

    The 加伍德·惠利音乐奖学金 was established in honor of Dr. 盖伍德惠利, former faculty member at Bishop Ireton and Conductor Emeritus of the BI Wind Ensemble. 
    The Whaley Scholarship is merit based and chosen by the Band Director. The scholarship is awarded to a member of the Wind Ensemble who possesses musicianship, 创造力, 热情, 以及对卓越的渴望. 没有申请流程.
  • Major Craig Moon and Marion Moon Memorial Scholarship

    In appreciation for the gift of education in the City of Alexandria, this tuition scholarship is provided through the generosity of Marion Moon, 一位受人尊敬的女商人和慈善家, 2024年4月1日去世的人. She began this scholarship in the name of her son, Major Craig Moon, USAF. 克雷格是弗吉尼亚州亚历山大人,是一名退休的美国军官.S. Air Force fighter pilot and later, became President of Convention Freight Services. 他是酋长, 战斗与情报, 监视和侦察计划, Air National Guard Operational Plans and Execution Division, 空军国民警卫队准备中心, 安德鲁斯空军基地, MD, 他1982年毕业于马里兰大学后备军官训练队,1994年在东新墨西哥大学获得工商管理硕士学位. 他是一名指挥飞行员,大约有2,飞行700小时, 货物, 教练机, 他驾驶T-37, T-38, T-33, f - 111 A / D / E, F-16, A-10和RC-26B飞机. 他曾担任NetTalon的董事会副主席,也是Fork Union Military Academy的当选董事会成员. 家庭、高尔夫和跳舞是他的爱好. He was a member of the Old Dominion Boat Club and a member of the Messiah United Methodist Church. 克雷格于2009年3月29日去世.  

    该奖学金颁发给有资格证明需要经济援助的学生,并积极参加亚历山大的课外活动和体育运动. 没有申请流程 for this scholarship.
  • 马克·弗拉卡索奖学金

    Mark Fracasso was a sophomore at Bishop Ireton when he died in a tragic accident in 2008. After his death, his parents, Mark and Michele Fracasso, setup a scholarship fund in his name. 马克在大二的时候被著名的管乐团录取,成为了一名小号演奏家. 每年, 在马克的生日那天(9月24日),学校举办了一个“换装日”活动,所有募集的资金将用于支持马克·弗拉索奖学金基金. The Wind Ensemble plays during drop off that morning in his honor. 每年, 管乐团的优秀学生将通过管乐团乐队总监的选拔获得奖学金. This scholarship is based on the following minimum criteria:

    1. 该学生已经完成了他们在艾尔顿主教学院的大一和大二,并将在明年参加乐队项目.
    2. They have participated in Ireton Band class and activities.
    3. They have demonstrated merit and 努力 as confirmed by the Bishop Ireton Wind Ensemble Director.

  • 罗伯特·波拉德奖学金

    “大鲍勃”波拉德是一个温和的巨人. 在他大三和大四的时候, 他带领篮球队赢得了几个赛季的胜利, which included the State Catholic Championship in 1984 and 1985. He was a dominating presence on the floor and led the team in scoring and rebounding. 毕业后, Bob received a scholarship to play basketball at the University of the District of Columbia. 正是在那里,鲍勃的生命在他热爱的运动中悲惨地结束了,因为他没有被发现的身体状况. The 罗伯特·波拉德奖学金 was established in his name to support underprivileged students. To be eligible for this tuition scholarship, students must demonstrate the following:

    • 参加网络彩票平台的多项运动
    • 成为一名即将升入大二、大三或大四的学生
    • Be active in community service through school or church
    • Demonstrate financial need and completed financial aid application through FACTS
    • 保持平均绩点2分.5岁或以上

  • 罗纳德·L. Umbeck奖学金

    罗纳德·L. Umbeck奖学金 honors former Bishop Ireton teacher Ron Umbeck. Mr. 乌姆贝克在艾尔顿主教学院教了50多年数学,从1968年到2020年,他的班里每届毕业班都有一名学生.  他专注于自己的学科,几乎每天早上都来到数学支持中心,根据需要帮助学生和工作人员——即使在他退休后. 他主持It 's Academic团队超过50年(在电视节目中任职时间最长的教练), and won the show’s Sophie Altman Coach of the Year award in 2019. Ron was also an avid trumpet player; he was a member of several local bands and spent his weekends teaching music to Catholic elementary and middle school students whose schools did not have music programs.
    This merit tuition scholarship celebrates the memory of Ron Umbeck. Eligible students will have an appreciation for the study of mathematics, with additional preference given to students who are engaged in the arts at Bishop Ireton.

    1. Rising senior who has attended Bishop Ireton for 3 years
    2. Student has maintained an overall grade point average of 3.到大三第一学期结束时达到75人
    3. 学生在他/她的研究中表现出优点和努力,由艾尔顿主教数学系确定, 在美术系的协助下, 并经政府当局确认.

  • 肖恩·奥马利奖学金

    肖恩·迈克尔·奥马利纪念奖学金的目的是纪念前网络彩票平台学生肖恩·迈克尔·奥马利(85- 86). 肖恩是一个激烈的竞争对手,他参加了艾尔顿主教学校的足球和摔跤项目. 肖恩的家人和朋友设立了这项奖学金,向一位表现出肖恩鼓舞人心的动机的男学生提供奖学金,以纪念肖恩, 同情, 渴望帮助他人成功, 运动能力, 和慷慨. 另外, 该奖学金认识到社区服务的重要性,并鼓励那些积极支持社区的人. 奖学金将以需要为基础,并将为目前有经济需要的男性艾尔顿主教学生提供学费支持. The scholarship is provided through the generosity of Sean’s family, 以前的同学和队友, 他的客户, 以及他的许多朋友和粉丝,认识到他的品质,正是这些品质使他从一个“跑腿球员”变成了一名ALL-SEC的防守前锋和ALL-SEC学术团队的成员,并将他的激情投入到成功的实践中,他创建了一家世界知名的健身公司——Cardio Coach.
    奖学金将颁发给一名或多名符合条件的在校学生,以支付艾尔顿主教学院的学费. 它是开放给男学生谁将完成至少一年的网络彩票平台,并参加了足球和/或摔跤项目.
    才有资格获得这项奖学金, students must demonstrate the following:

    • 现在是艾尔顿主教学院的学生.
    • Participates in community service activities either in the local community, through school or through their parish – above and beyond school requirements.
    • Demonstrates financial need and have completed the financial aid application through FACTS.
    • 表现出对健康和保健的热情.
    • 保持2.平均成绩5分或以上.

    应用, please submit an electronic letter detailing student name, 资格, 申请奖学金的原因,并在主题栏注明“肖恩·奥马利奖学金” scholarships@techgyaani.com.
    申请必须在2月1日之前收到st 即将到来的学费奖学金年度.
要想专门为奖学金捐款,请访问我们的 网上捐赠表格 并在指定框中选择奖学金.